Bought a Single Family home in 2016 in The Highland, Tyler, TX.


James helped me purchase my first and current home from start to finish. He was very professional and helpful during the entire process. He negotiated and got the price I needed to close the deal. I definitely recommend him to anyone who is looking to buy or sell a home!


- modernbrushdesigns


Bought and sold a Single Family home in 2019 in Tyler, TX.


Great agent. Well informed, available and full of great information. Smart choice for first time buyers that need the patience and expertise of a professional.


- zuser20170725002624769


So grateful for James


So grateful for James being a Realtor that cares about his clients and does not hesitate to go above and beyond to make things happen! We are beyond thrilled with his professionalism and work ethic! Highly recommend James to all of my friends looking to buy a home!

- Lauren Ethredge


James has been an awesome realtor!


James has been an awesome realtor! Definitely recommend him!!!


- Todd Aaron


James was always there


James was our buyer's agent during our recent home purchase. James was always there when we had a question or found a property we wanted to look at. James truly cares about the clients he works with, wants to find them a home they like, and within their budget.


- Michael Seale


James Carpenter is one excellent realtor.


James Carpenter is one excellent realtor. Easygoing and easy person to work with. Highly recommended him in house buying and closing


- CJ ßarrett


James Carpenter is one of the Best Realtors in East Texas


James Carpenter is one of the Best Realtors in East Texas and I highly recommend him for your home buying experience


- Dylan Malone